
Description: Sardar Sarovar, an impressive cement wall of 121 meters in height, stops river Narmada’s flow. It is part of the faraonic “Narmada Valley Development Project”, that plans the construction of more than 3000 dams, some of them of huge dimensions. Over two and a half million people are affected, most of them adivasis (indigenous) who are losing their houses and ways of life. For twenty years they have been struggling against the interests of the government and the big corporations. Women have gained consciousness of the dimensions of the problem and have become the main role in this unequal fight. Is this the single way of development? The situation in the Narmada Valley is an example of the 21th century’s biggest war: water control, natural resources control.

See also the website.

Director: Mariano Agudo & Rol Gultlan
Year: 2007
Length: 59 minutes
Country: Spain
Distributor: Documentary Educational Resources
101 Morse Street
Watertown, MA 02472
Phone: 617-926-0491
Fax: 617-926-9519
Website: www.der.org
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Intermedia Produccions
Jose Luis De Casso, 8, 2, Seville 41005
Phone: +34 954926128
Fax: +34 954926128
Website: www.intermediaproducciones.com
Email: [email protected]