Let’s Talk About Water
A free-day-film event in Delft, The Netherlands

Saturday, March 30, 2013 11:00am-3:00pm, at the Filmhuis Lumen
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Let’s Talk About Water Event at the Filmhuis Lumen
A free and fun film and water event open to students, academics, policy people, and the general public.

Date: Saturday, March 30, 2013
Time: 11:00am – 3:00pm (Coffee break included)
Location: Filmhuis Lumen
Doelenplein #5
Ph. (0) 15 214 0226
Film: Het Verloren Land (The Lost Land)
Director, Jos de Putter
2006, Netherlands
58 minutes
Dutch with English subtitles

An international panel of scientists and communicators gather together and raise their voices during a film-water-science communication symposium in Delft. The objective is to simplify the language of water science and technology, and make it clear and understandable to the general public, in order to help build a better water policy. The event is an open-informal-discussion platform where students, academics, policy people and the general public have a say.

On Saturday, 30 of March the Filmhuis Lumen in Delft opens its doors for a free-day event where the film Het Verloren Land, by the filmmaker, Jos de Putter, will be broadcasted and discussed among the panelists and the public. The film was chosen for its magnificent way to look into the future, and the past, in a dream-like documentary that exposes the Dutch water experience through hundred of years.

The City of Delft was chosen to host this event, because of its water and academic institutional expertise, its location and its fresh atmosphere for allowing human communication and interaction on an intimate scale at the Filmhuis Lumen.

The panel includes the following:

  • Professor András Szollosi-Nagy, PhD, DSc, Rector, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education
  • Professor Nick van de Giesen, Technical University, Delft, Water Management, Civil Engineering and Geosciences
  • Richard Hooper, PhD, Executive Director, Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) (USA) (cuahsi.org)
  • Assistant Professor David Chandler, PhD, Syracuse University (USA), College of Engineering and Computer Science, Professor of Practice Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Linda Lilienfeld, Director, Let’s Talk About Water (USA) (letstalkaboutwater.com)

Linda Lilienfeld, Founder and Project Director of Let’s Talk About Water symposiums, started organizing these free-film events around the United States. Now, the project has been expanded to other countries around the world. Let’s Talk About Water events seek to bring clarity and understanding to the water crisis and its solutions; facilitate conversations among the public; promote water science and engage general citizenry in public policy. Linda expresses: “I believe in the importance of water. It knits us, the physical world, all-together. We must learn to talk jointly beyond the boundaries of our normal lives. The efforts and knowledge of water scientists must be made more accessible to a wider public.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), water and its availability constitute the main pressure for society and the environment under a climate change reality. Here, lies the need to improve our understanding of problems this implies. Linda says: “I believe in the power of film to make people think, feel and understand. The people coming to this event in Delft will have the opportunity to discuss, interchange ideas and embrace something new about water and their role in taking action.