Duke University
February 20th 2010
Nasher Museum, Durham NC
On February 20, 2010 Duke University’s Department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies and the Nicholas School of the Environment sponsored a viewing of Het Verloven Land (Before the Flood) by Dutch filmmaker Jos de Putter. Following the film viewing, an audience of 125 participated in a discussion about art, science and communication in the Lecture Hall at the Nasher Art Museum. Bill Chameides, Dean, Nicholas School of the Environment, moderated a panel that included
- Larry Band, Director, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill’s Institute for the Environment;
- Rick Hooper, President & Executive Director, Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI);
- Linwood Pendleton, Director, Ocean & Coastal Policy for the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions; and
- Victoria Szabo, Program Director, Information Science & Information Studies, Duke Department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies.
Het Verloven Land/Before the Flood (IMDb) is part of a national series Let’s Talk About Water coordinated by Linda Lilienfeld.
CUAHSI is interested in helping other campuses replicate this event. For more information, contact Rick Hooper (rhooper@cuahsi.org) or Linda Lilienfeld (Linda.lilienfeld@gmail.com).