Moi Sekou, Mon Exile, Mon Village, Mon Combat (The Life and Struggle of Sekou: Exile and Return)

Description: Eric Mounier (director) and IRD (producer) “Sekou Bathily is an elevator repairman in Paris and he only has one goal in mind: To save Boda, his village in Mali, which is under threat of disappearing because of deforestation. Every year, he takes advantage of his holiday to visit his family in Mali. But this time, following the advice of scientists he met in Paris, he has decided to travel around Mali in pursuit of solutions to fight desertification. From Tombouctu to the south of the country, Sekou’s ‘investigative trip’ gives us the opportunity to measure the threat (or ‘damage’) of this scourge and how to remedy it.” (

Director: Eric Mounier
Year: 2004
Length: 52 minutes
Country: France